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15-02-2017 Uitnodiging voor een schaaktoernooi in SloveniëPeriode: 17 mei 2017 (aankomst) 25 mei 2017 (vertrek). Dear Chess Friends SPORTS FEDERATION FOR THE DISABLED OF SLOVENIA- NATIONAL PARALYMPIC COMMITTEE (ZŠIS-POK) and UNION OF THE BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED OF SLOVENIA (ZDSSS) Invite you to take part in the 12th INTERNATIONAL CHESS TOURNAMENT FOR THE BLIND AND PARTIALLY SIGHTED IZOLA 2017
PARTICIPANTS In addition to the eight best blind and partially sighted chess players from Slovenia, we are also inviting up to 20 blind or partially sighted chess players from abroad on the first come-first served basis. DATE The tournament will take place from Wednesday, May 17th, 2017 (date of arrival) until the morning of Thursday, May 25th, 2017 (date of departure). LOCATION The tournament will be held in Izola on Slovenia's Adriatic Coast.
ADDRESS OF THE ACCOMMODATION AND PLAYING VENUE Dom oddiha ZDSSS “Mimi Breznik” Ulica Sv. Petra 3 SI – 6310 Izola Slovenia Phone: + 386 (0)5 6402462 ACCESS Izola can be reached by car or bus from Ljubljana to Koper then via the coastal road to Izola, or by train to Koper, or via the international airports at Brnik (Ljubljana) or Ronchi (Trieste, Italy). Distances: Ljubljana - Izola 120 km Brnik (Airport Ljubljana) - Izola 130 km Koper – Izola 7 km Ronchi (Airport Trieste) – Izola 69 km
ACCOMODATION AND BOARD All participants will be accommodated and play their matches at the ZDSSS recreational centre. The centre has rooms with two or three beds with shower and WC. Food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be served at the same location. DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES The organisers will accept entries up to and including April 26th, 2017.
REGISTRATION Registrations must be made through the relevant national federation. METHOD OF ENTRY Entries must be made on the enclosed entry form: ? by post to the following address: Zveza društev slepih in slabovidnih Slovenije Groharjeva cesta 2 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia ? by fax: ++ 386 1 4700220 ? by E-mail: sportinsah@zveza-slepih.si Entries must be submitted together with proof of payment of the first part of entry fee. ENTRY FEE The entry fee is 290 € per person (accommodation and board) for the whole period of the tournament. The first part : 100 € of entry fee must be paid to the account of the Union of the Blind and Partially Sighted of Slovenia, Groharjeva 2, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Bank: Nova Ljubljanska banka, d. d., Trg republike 2, SI – 1000 Ljubljana Swift Code: LJBASI2X IBAN: SI56 0292 2001 4708 590 COSTS This cost includes full board (accommodation and food) from dinner at 19.00 on Wednesday, May 17 th 2017 (arrival date), until the Thursday morning, May 25th, 2017, including breakfast. The second part of entry fee: 190 € is to be paid at the reception of the ZDSSS Recreational Centre. TRANSPORTATION If required, the organisers can arrange transport from Ljubljana (railway station or the airport) to Izola and from airport Trieste to Izola at a cost of 20 € per person each way (both way 40 €). RULES AND PROVISIONAL TIMETABLE The tournament will be played to IBCA rules according to the Swiss system over seven rounds. Time control: 40 moves in 120 minutes with additionally 30 minutes each for the rest of the game. Matches will be played every day between 15.00 and 20.00 o’clock, except on Wednesday, May 24th, when the seventh round will begin at 9.00 o’clock. The tournament will conclude on Wednesday, May 24th, at 15.00 with the announcement of the results and the awards ceremony.
PRIZES Trophies will be awarded to the first three best players. Money prizes will be awarded to best six players in following amounts: 1. 400€ 2. 250€ 3. 150€ 4. 100€ 5. 60€ 6. 40€ RANKING If players gain an equal number of points the higher-ranked player will be decided by: 1 - M. Bucholz 2 - Bucholz 3 - The winner of the match between the players involved 4 - The position will be shared FURTHER INFORMATION Should you require any additional information please contact Mr. Blaz Kosmac by telephone +386 40 705 325, fax +386 4 20 20 580 or e-mail: blaz.kosmac@muba-bk.si. Kind regards, Damjan Lazar m.p. Tomaž Wraber m.p. President of the ZŠIS-POK President of the ZDSSS
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